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Learning of Facts and Ideas  

2010-03-03 21:54:53|  分类: 文化随笔 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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 Facts are history often, facts of different countries compose world history. Facts can also be foreign events, people who know them may commence nothing. After young students learned facts, they may have no ideas or thinking and recall such events before long. So we must make clear what facts mean and what ideas, trends, and concepts mean. And the most important is to make clear their relationship. Many phenomena, affairs, even experiments can be called facts. They are subjective and will not change with people’s viewpoints, namely we can’t alter facts, whether they are good or evil. The true facts give people a chance to know the genuine world. If students can know such facts deeply they have the possibility to become professional and profound people. Such people are easy to make great careers, even they may know few ideas or concepts.

When the young students grow up they comprehend a large amount of knowledge, including facts and ideas, which define the world into variety fields, such as politics, economics, philosophy, science and so on. Different subjects have their own theories, so called ideas, and concepts which give facts, compositions, phenomena of these subjects definitions. When the beginners step into corresponding disciplines they will contact many ideas, concepts and the trends that the ideas or concepts will develop. Often a separate subject has its special facts, ideas, and concepts which can detach it from other subjects. After peoples apprehend all of these, they become mature and will be proficient in their majors, they can bear some complex tasks and help to construct the society.

Young persons often know many facts, even they have little impression or thinking about them; elder persons often know many ideas, trends and concepts which belong to their unique disciplines. The two parts have no dilemma, just depending on the choice of individuals. Persons who want to know few facts superficially can memorize facts only and know little about their essences; persons who want to know much more can learn advanced knowledge. In general the theories of different subjects are constructed by many facts and also deliberate deduction of experts. So we can’t detach facts and ideas utterly, ideas need the supports of facts or to be testified by facts; facts need ideas to give reasonable explanations. If the subject’s ideas or concepts can’t explain relative facts fully and scientifically, the ideas or concepts will face challenge or be substituted by other ideas or concepts which are more advanced and scientific. Persons who have learned only facts learn superficial, simple knowledge and don’t know the beginning and end usually. Above all, persons can learn facts only, those may give them some guidance also. But they had better learn ideas, trends and concepts to enrich their spiritual world and their feeling about successes.

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